Grant Thornton Indonesia (GTI) returned via an exciting collaboration with the Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI), the Central Counterparty (KPEI), and the Indonesian Central Securities Depository (KSEI) to organize seminars on Strategies for Going Public and Cybersecurity Practices in the Main Hall of the Indonesian Stock Exchange on December 4th, 2023.

The event attracted reputable speakers and professionals who offered their unique knowledge and expertise. The seminar was divided into two sessions. The first was entitled, “Uncovering the Success of Going Public,” which discussed the entire process of going public along with its advantages, and the second was entitled, “Cybersecurity and Data Privacy in Practice: Enhancing Preventions Against Crime in the Financial Sector,” which emphasized cyber threats and the significance of implementing data protection in financial sectors.

Revealing the Success of Going Public

The first session of the seminar successfully brought together a row of panelists which included a BEI representative, Mrs. Listyorini Dian Pratiwi as the Head of Division – Listed Company Development, a representative from PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas, Mr. Kevin Praharyawan as Director of Investment Banking, a representative from Grant Thornton Indonesia, Mr. Tagor Sidik Sigiro as an Audit and Assurance Partner, and a representative from Listed Companies, and PT Tbk, Mrs. Dian Haryokusumo as the Executive Director of Corporate Finance. “There are a myriad of advantages ofor companies that would like to go public, and one of those is the convenience of an e-IPO” according to Mrs. Listyorini

Severing Cyber Threats and Strengthening Data Protection

Over 100 individuals attended this session to hear some extensive presentations from several IT specialists, which included Mr. Indrawan Gomer, VP IT Security at PT Bank Central Asia Tbk, Mr. Amit Punjabi, Chief IT and Digital at Astra Financial, and Mr. Goutama Bachtiar, IT Advisory Director at Grant Thornton Indonesia. Mr. Goutama emphasized the significance and urgency of implementing cybersecurity in the face of cyber threats such as ransomware, malware, and data breaches. “The NIST Cybersecurity Framework may be a suitable choice for reducing security risks by following the process of identifying, protecting, detecting, responding, and recovering data,” according to Mr. Goutama. Mr. Indrawan, on the other hand, highlighted the importance of integrating people, technology, and processes at once as a way to comply with security policies and protect our environment from viruses and various cyber-attacks”.

Grant Thornton Indonesia believes that by proactively conducting these seminars, every business will be able to continue to expand and anticipate the variety of challenges that may await them in the future.